This guide is intended to provide some general information about Native Americans, to celebrate their culture, and to look at the racism practiced against them. Additionally, there are resources listed for allyship. This guide is a living resource: the contents are not exhaustive nor are they complete. We will add to the guide on a regular basis. Most of the material linking out from here is to open sources.
*Accessibility varies across platforms and all linked out content may not be accessible in its current format. I chose to leave these resources in because this material is sometimes housed in underfunded repositories who are unable to afford to bring content up to accessibility standards. This could have the unintended consequence of silencing smaller voices in a desire to only make compliant things available. Additionally, at the moment, these resources are not required for courses. If you find a resource you would like to have made accessible for use in your classroom or if you are an individual who would like some content made accessible, there are several options available to you via our DE department and through the library. Thank you for your understanding.
The above video's Closed Captioning does not meet ADA and 508 standards. For that reason, I am including the transcript here (corrected by me. Any errors are mine).
This LibGuide was created by Kathy Fester based on the excellent Guide created by Sally Ellis at RCC Research Guides, Riverside City College
The content is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commerical license.