Types of Sources
Understanding Primary & Secondary Sources
Step 1 Types of Sources Overview
In this module you will learn about:
Internet Sources
Although many people first go to the Internet for information, it is not always the best place for what you need.
Most information on the free Internet does not go through a review process
Most information on the Internet is not free
Information on the free Internet is not organized.
Most information on the free Internet is not comprehensive.
The free Internet can be a good for:
Library Resources
The Library: Quality vs Quantity
Wikipedia for Research?
After evaluating a Wikipedia article (the grade, the comments, the references) use it as any online or print encyclopedia--for background, keywords, and their references or external links.
How DO I use Wikipedia?
When do I NOT use Wikipedia?
Wikipedia Disclaimers:
No guarantee of validity
Content may be objectionable
No legal opinions
No medical advice
Use at your own risk
Use as a starting point and remember to evaluate all sources