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Renaissance, Reformation, The Enlightenment, & The French Revolution
Reformation - 1500s
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Renaissance, Reformation, The Enlightenment, & The French Revolution: Reformation - 1500s
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Renaissance - 1300 -1600
Reformation - 1500s
Enlightenment - 1600-1700s
French Revolution - Congress of Vienna
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Reformation WebLinks
The Reformation for Kids
Mr Donn
Catholic Encyclopedia: The Reformation
New Advent
Famous Trials: The Trial of Martin Luther
Famous Trials: The Trial of Sir Thomas More
History of the Reformation
History of the World
Modern History Sourcebook: Reformation Europe
Fordham University. Primary Sources
The Reformation
The History Channel
Videos to Watch
Importance of the Reformation
Luther and the Protestant Reformation
Renaissance - 1300 -1600
Enlightenment - 1600-1700s >>