Icons Used in This Guide
video game
CONTENT: thorough, clear explanations with good examples
MEDIUM/TIME: text only
NOTES: Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)
WHY WE LIKE IT: from well-regarded writing site, very clear, updated regularly
CONTENT: 5 online activities where students (groups or individually) read and respond
MEDIUM/TIME: 30-50 minute class time or self-paced
ASSESSMENT: discussion or written responses
NOTES: Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)
WHY WE LIKE IT: instructors might use this to underpin a discussion of plagiarism or assign it; OWL is well-respected
CONTENT: 3-part video defines plagiarism and provides real-world examples & fun game show format
ASSESSMENT: interactive quizzes within the video
NOTES: Rutgers University
WHY WE LIKE IT: well-produced, humorous, interactive and brief
MLA 8th Edition Purdue OWL Presentation -- see below!
CONTENT: examples, explanations, interactive exercises
MEDIUM/TIME: self-paced powerpoint, 46 slides
ASSESSMENT: excellent overview
NOTES: Purdue University Online Writing Lab
WHY WE LIKE IT: well-respected guide in the academic community
Cooperative Library Instruction Program
Additional Class Exercises to Promote Critical Thinking Skills