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Calculus - Integration
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Mathematics Overview: Calculus - Integration
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Integration by parts (code: A)
Integration by parts
What is integration/ integral calculus? (code: b)
Introduction to integral calculus
Basic Rules of integration (code: c)
Reverse power rule
Indefinite integrals: sums & multiples
Common Integrals review
Integrating using substitution (code: d)
Application - Finding Area (code: e)
Area between a curve and the x-axis
Area between a curve and the x-axis: negative area
Integration - Area between two curves (code: f)
Composite area between curves
Area between curves
By integrating the difference of two functions, you can find the area between them
Worked example: area between curves
Using Area - finding the volume of water using rate and time (code: g)
Exploring accumulation of change
Integration - Volume by Disc Method (code: h)
Disc method around x-axis
Generalizing disc method around x-axis
Get the "formula" for using the disc method around the x-axis
Integration - Volume along y-Axis (code: i)
Disc method around y-axis
Disc VS Washer Method (code: j)
Disk and Washer Methods
Shell/Washer Method: Volume of Solid of Revolution
Calculus - Differentiation
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