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Shakespeare & The Elizabethan Era: Fact Checking

Checklists for Evaluating Sources

Great illustration summarizing what you need to do!


Try each one and then choose one you like

Know Your Sources

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The Best Fact Checking Sites

Fake News & Fact Checking Sites

Site analyses/comments by By Dave Van Zandt – Editor – Media Bias Fact Check

Videos to Watch

Fake News Questions

A few basic questions for the Beginning Investigator! Keep these in mind when watching or listening to media:

  1. Who made this? Is there an author? an organization?
  2. Who are they talking to--who is the target audience?
  3. Who paid for this? Or, who gets paid if you click on this?
  4. Who might benefit or be harmed by this message?
  5. What is left out of this message that might be important?
  6. Is this credible and what seems ridiculous (and what makes you think that)?



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